Cannd Goods Sugar Cooking oil Hot Cereal Juice Spices Bottled Water Eggs Any Meat Dairy Products Produce in seasonUnderwear and socks Hygiene items Flip Flops (shower shoes) Men’s work gloves Spiral notebooks Pens Twin fitted sheets Washcloths/Towels Pillow cases Sweat pants Adult clothing
Pickup truck
Even Bigger Dreams
Wish List Laser copier/printer Prayer! Prayer! Prayer!
Bread of Life Mission of Holbrook 885 Hermosa Drive Holbrook, AZ 86025 Phone: (928) 524 3874 Cherise Myers - Executive Director
Current Needs
Items can be dropped off at the Mission or call and we will pick them up.
Food, we always need food. 24,000 + meals is a lot of meals.
Greatest Needs
Men’s Underwear (small to 3X) Women’s underwear (6 to 12) Sweat Pants (medium to 2X) Sweat Shirts (large to 2X) Hoodies (large to 2X) Jeans (28X30, 30X30, 34X30)
We need volunteers to bring a dinner or come and cook a dinner using our supplies. If you are able and willing to help out, please call the mission at 928-524-3874.